
03 March 2009

Ebay - This offer cannot be displayed on the mobile device

A few days ago I ran into this:

I wonder why is that ebay? Are the mobile devices so "scarry"? I mean, we are in 2009 with a few strong mobile platforms on the market like Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone etc.
Concentrate, will you? Don't loose them from your focus, ok? 

02 March 2009

MOSS 2007 Profile Properties Import Tool

I've used the tool to import, from one development MOSS machine to another, the properties set of the user profile.
It went fine. The only problem is if the servers are having different "custom source" for the profiles import they loose their bindings - and then they are read only - you cannot change the mappings to the other customer source fields.

From Codeplex

The tool "Shared Services Provider Property Creation" looks more complete since it syncs more.
